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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Phobias can be triggered by virtually anything underthe sun. These
irrational fears afflict millions. But modern therapeutic techniques
provide quick and reliable treatment for this once virtually
incurableform of mental illness.
Fears and anxieties grip us all periodically, but phobia generates
uncontrollable panic when there is no realdanger.
Typical symptoms are heart palpitations, shortness of breath, chest
pain, sweaty palms,"noodle legs", and dizziness.
Phobics could be"desensitised" if they were trained to relax and
gradually confront the phobia in their imaginations
Among phobias that have been named are:
1. Aerophobia - flying
2. Amaxophobia - vehicles, driving
3. Aquaphobia - water
4. Claustrophobia - closed spaces
5. Cynophobia - dogs
6. Gephyrophobia - bridges
7. Nyctophobia - darkness
8. Ochlophobia -crowds
9. Ophidiophobia - snakes
10. Phonophobia - speaking aloud
11. Pyrophobia - fire
12. Thanatophobia - death
13. Xenophobia - strangers/

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